Eggplant Salad

Eggplant Salad
Eggplant has a special place in the Turkish kitchen and is served in hundreds of variations.
Cold or hot, in salad form, with or without meat. This one is great as an appetizer or you can serve it as a side dish with the main course.
Grill whole eggplants on a gas flame or wood fire until they get burnt outside and very soft inside.
Hold each eggplant by the stem under running tap water for a while and peel the skin off.
Cut the stem off and coarsely chop them on a cutting board.
Transfer to a serving plate.
Mix olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper in a bowl.
Add onions to the chopped eggplants and toss with the olive oil mixture and balsamic vinegar.
Decorate with sliced tomatoes, black olives, and parsley.
Bon Appetit!